

Publication date June 1, 2017  

Pre-order now, $.99 for a short time.

“88 Guys for Coffee” is humorous fiction, contemporary women’s lit, chick lit, and/or fictional memoir, aimed primarily at women between 30 and 60. Full of laughs, it is a novel very loosely based on the 5-year online dating saga Di “endured” before meeting her husband Mark on The dating stories are true, the protagonist is fictional.


Abandoned and feeling lost, her self-worth in tatters, Laura  decides to try online dating sites. What an education.  And what a long, five years she has ahead.

Hilarious and heartbreaking, soul-searching and spiritual, “88 Guys for Coffee” shares Laura’s roller-coaster ride of experience searching for her soul mate, for her true partner in life. No matter how crazy it gets, no matter how disillusioned she becomes, she can’t give up. She won’t give up.

Laura learns all there is to know about online dating,
but she learns the most about herself.

Read the first three chapters here

YOUR SPECIAL INTRO OFFER: The book will be available, for two weeks, for .99, then going up to its retail price of 5.99 on June 15th. You can pre-order now. Click here:  AMAZON KINDLE SITE

I hope that you enjoy it!  I’d really appreciate a review on Amazon or Goodreads, but there is no obligation. And thank you for your friendship and support.


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New middle-grade fantasy/mystery!



AMAZON:  Kindle or paperback

About the book: Imagine a raven appearing out of thin air and guiding you to an exquisitely carved icon that glows with ancient light and pulses with shamanic power.  This is how the adventure begins for Nadia and Aidan Shaw, 13-year-old twins, who live in idyllic Cold Spring, New York. Armed with the power of the Ravenstone and their own special gifts, they embark on a harrowing quest across centuries, at the bidding of a mysterious old shaman. They must depend on their courage, their faith in their friends, and luck… or is it destiny?

If they succeed, what they bring back could change the course of human existence.

Many thanks to Linda Zimmermann, successful author of 30 books, including Mysterious Stone Sites, for these kind words, about the book.

Solomon and Carey’s imaginative storytelling sweeps you into a fascinating tale of mystery and adventure. Young twins Nadia and Aidan stumble upon an ancient power that could help their family in the future, or trap them in the past forever.”  ~ Linda Zimmerman, successful author of numerous books on stone sites and paranormal events in the Hudson Valley and northern New Jersey.



PUBLISHED: Oct 1, 2016 

 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a guide to the homeopathic treatment of CFS/M.E.

Do you know of anyone suffering from CFS, or ME as it is called in the UK? I want to spread the word; homeopathic treatment is so powerful in the treatment of CFS, and in fact, it was a complete cure for me and many clients I worked with over the years. Please share this with anyone you know who might benefit. Thank you.

Available in paperback or ebook. Click here to go to Amazon: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a guide to the homeopathic treatment of CFS/M.E.