About Diane

Diane Solomon Biography

Di deck two 7 31 11 crpdDi deck two 7 31 11 crpdWriter, Singer, Songwriter, Homeopath, Nutritionist


Eva: a love story with a supernatural twist,  published summer 2023

The Ravenstone: The Secret of Ninham Mountain

The Ravenstone: The Twain

88 Guys for Coffee

Healing Therapies that Work: The Homeopathic Treatment of Allergies

Healing Therapies that Work: The Homeopathic Treatment of Ear Infections

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Homeopathic Treatment of CFS/M.E.


(For articles and book excerpts on health and well-being, check out Diane’s nutrition and homeopathy blog: Solomon Healing)

Diane Solomon Biography:

Diane grew up in Oregon, and says she can’t remember a time when she wasn’t singing. Her father gave her a guitar for Christmas when she was 13, and she taught herself folk and country styles, and started to write songs. At 19, believing her first talent was acting, she headed off to England, determined to study acting at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.

But life can take some funny turns. Before she could arrange an interview, she was literally “discovered,” playing her guitar and singing to a small, private, New Year’s Eve party at a London hotel.

IMG_0005 2IMG_0005 2A BBC television producer was there, a screen test followed, and the result was a network primetime series of variety specials! “The Diane Solomon Show” was a great success, and she quickly became a regular on British TV, with other specials of her own, and numerous guest appearances, including several Royal Gala Specials. She recorded 5 albums, appeared on countless radio shows, TV hosting, and musical theater productions. After heading four major UK Theater concert tours of her own, she toured with Glen Campbell on three European tours, and opened for a major Kenny Rogers’ tour in 1991.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

IMGIMGBut then life took another turn, this time not so fortunate. She was diagnosed with the infamous M.E., or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and for the next three years was too ill to walk across the room unaided. For a total of seven years she struggled with half a life. In the darkest hours songwriting was her saving grace, and the title cut of her new CD, “Good Things Don’t Come Easy” was born of this troubled time. With the help a brilliant German homeopathic system of healing, plus nutrition and herbs, she regained her health.

Diane was so impressed with these alternate therapies that she gained degrees in both nutrition and homeopathy, achieving a doctoral degree from the British Institute of Homeopathy.  She practiced nutrition and homeopathy for fifteen years, using a combination of nutrients, herbs, homeopathic remedies, and diet and lifestyle recommendations.

New Writing Career:

Now focusing on writing, Diane lives in New England with her husband, Mark Carey. She still makes  music, but mostly focuses on writing books, both fiction and non-fiction.

Kindle cover final oct 10 2015Kindle cover final oct 10 2015Books:

Hoping to help those suffering from CFS, she published a non-fiction book on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a guide to the homeopathic treatment of CFS/M.E.  quickly became the top selling book on Amazon in the homeopathic category.

With her husband Mark, she co-wrote two middle grade books: The Ravenstone: The Secret of Ninham Mountain and The Twain.   Plus, she penned a memoir of her online dating experience, entitled 88 Guys for Coffee. Currently, she is editing her first work of women’s fiction. Entitled Eva, it is about a woman who discovers she possesses a magical ability. But it may be a curse.

Diane is always busy. She writes, edits, sings, researches, designs and builds gardens, and is always seeking more knowledge, more understanding, and more creative flow.

For Diane’s health blog, go to Solomon Healing.

Facebook:   Diane Solomon Writer

Twitter: @DianeSolomon

View Comments

  • Having a conversation about school with my Mum and she asked if I remembered that singer, you, whom I visited for a weekend with Darin, back in the day. Happy to see you are well and enjoying life. I remember you chilling out with your guitar on the patio in the morning and bizarrely the massive bowl of salad at meal time. Amazing times back then. X

  • Hi Diane,
    Always loved your show back in the day. You were a natural for TV and it's no wonder that perceptive BBC producer snapped you up!
    I was just watching this fun episode of Give Us a, Clue, and thought l would send a link in case you haven't seen it. Wishing you much happiness always, Barry.

    • I hadn't seen it! It's hilarious! Thanks so much Barry, what a chuckle!

      And happiness to you, my friend, thank you!


  • Hi Diane,

    What an interesting story of your life! You should write a memoir!

    My sister has CFS, for over thirty years now, and I am heading to Amazon to get your book.


  • Hi Diane,
    I’ve just left a message on what I think is your FB page but I may have got the wrong person so I’m double messaging you . I was having a conversation with my brother and mentioned to him that it was actually yourself who got me into the Beatles when you sand a beautiful rendition of Let it Be. I was hooked on them and yourself from then on. I use to love watching your BBC show in the 1970s and even though I was very young then ,I use to love your voice. I was wondering how you where which linked me to this web sight and was reading how life has been for you. I’m so glad to learn you’re keeping well ,especially after it seems a difficult few years health wise. I’m a retired nurse but returned to practice for the pandemic and have been a vaccinator since ,so I’m pleased you’re Covid free and have had your vaccinations. Have been watching your shows on YouTube all day and it’s brought back so many memories of Saturday day nights watching you on the TV. Wishing you continued good health and happiness. Apologies for the lengthy message. X

    • Such a lovely long message, thank you Liam! It feels like another lifetime, the BBC years. Fun, but a long time ago!

      Yay you for diving back in during the pandemic, and glad you escaped the Covid wrath. Y3s, I am vaccinated up the yin-yang, and doing well, gardening in the summer months, writing most of the time, and being a cat and dog Mom all the time!

      All the best, Liam!


      • The 1970s was a great time for TV over in the UK, especially on a Sat night which you added to 👍thanks for taking the time to message me back Diane. Be well and God bless you x

  • Hello Diane
    Hope you are keeping well
    A question: did you ever live in a place called Henleaze in Bristol, UK?

  • I'd been wondering what became of you - I used to enjoy your show and singing. Sorry about your health problems but glad you recovered. I promise to listen to.you on.YouTube soon!
    I hope you don't mind me saying that the story of how you.got your own show makes me think that Hollywood wasn't so farfetched after all - I write as a great fan of musicals! Did you ever appear in one?

    • Hi Mark, Thanks for getting in touch and for your kind words!

      Yes, I played Roxy in Cabaret, and Sally Bowles in cabaret, both great fun! And pantos most years. I loved musicals, and loved being part of a team onstage.

      All the best,


  • Hi Diane,
    Just came across your LP in our attic, will have to buy a record player. It bought back some lovely times when we bought our first home and watching you on tv every week.
    I hope you are keeping well.
    Love Teresa x

    • Yay for vinyl record players! Glad an LP of mine brings good memories for you, and thanks so much for writing, Teresa.
      All the best,

  • Hello diane I'm from South Korea, and I'm end of teenager.
    last year,when i was looking for Demis's song, I found a video by chance which You and Demis roussos singing duet "for all we know", I finally got to know you like a great singer!!! thanks to your songs, and beautiful voices. One Month Passed, You became one of my favorite singers!!! Thanks to know You and Your Lovely Voices. Have a good day.


    • Hi Sangin!

      Thanks so much for writing. I had a wonderful time singing with Demis Roussos - he was such a nice man and such a huge star. And I am so glad you like my singing!

      Warm regards,


  • Hi Diane.
    Have just come across this website and would just like to say how seeing it brought back memories of your shows on tv.
    Do hope you’re keeping well and Covid free in these awful times.
    Very kind regards.

    • Hi Alan!

      Yes, Covid free, thanks to two vaccinations and a booster - hopefully you as well.

      So glad you have nice memories of my singing days - seems so long ago, now. But it was a wonderful time!

      Warm wishes and Merry Christmas!


      • Hi Diane,

        Great to have a reply. You’ve made my day!!!!
        Double jabbed but had to postpone booster due to contracting COVID-19. Fine now and having booster this coming Saturday.
        Have a fantastic Christmas and stay safe.

        Very kind regards
        Alan xxx

  • Hi Diane,
    I hope that you are well. I am a UK fan of yours, since watching your Tv show in the late seventies. I loved it, particularly the song you sang to introduce the show. What was it called and how can I get a copy of the track?. It would bring back so many happy memories. Many thanks. Take care.

    • Hi, thanks for writing, lovely to hear you enjoyed the shows, all those years ago! It is "Di's Theme" you are referring to, and I will send it to your email! All the best, Diane