Tag Archives: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

New eBook on Depression and Anxiety out soon

Hi all, 

Hope you are enjoying the cooler temps of autumn!

I am writing a new health eBook on the homeopathic treatment of depression and anxiety. Due out soon!

It is called Healing Therapies that Work: The Homeopathic Treatment of Depression and Anxiety.

It seems like I and everyone I know knows someone struggling with depression. Or anxiety. Or cycling between the two. These conditions are pervasive across our society. They are much worse than temporary sadness,  grief from a tragedy or a trauma, or temporary worry. Depression is an all pervasive fatigue and loss of interest in life that could be dangerous. And it often comes coupled with debilitating anxiety.
I’m just finishing up formatting the third in my health series of e-books called “Healing Therapies that Work”, and this one is entitled “The Homeopathic Treatment of Depression and Anxiety.”
This book doesn’t dig deeply into the orthodox and mainstream methods of treating either condition. There are countless tomes on that… I focus on the alternative ways to tackle these problems, especially homeopathic constitutional treatment, which I found from my long experience as a practitioner was the only way one stood a chance of reversing them.
Then there’s amino treatment. This involves taking supplements as precursors to the neurotransmitters which may be imbalanced in the brain. This treatment can work temporarily, or even for quite a long period of time. But it doesn’t solve it permanently. Especially in cases where the depression or anxiety is genetic.
if you struggle with depression or anxiety yourself or you know or love someone who does, keep an eye out here, the book will be published in a few weeks, and it will be very reasonably priced just to cover my costs. Because I just want to help people.


The eBook series: AMAZON



Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: another sufferer recovers

Do you have CFS? Or know someone who does? I keep reading (ad nauseum) that there is no cure, but I beg to disagree. There is a way to get better.  I was fortunate to be able to help many people in all my years of practicing as a homeopath and nutritionist, and now I find that those reading my book on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are finding their way back to good health as well. Even though I am now retired from practice, this warms my heart more than I can say.

I discovered a great review on Amazon yesterday, from a woman who has been struggling with CFS for many years. She has been  diagnosed with high titers of the Epstein Barr virus. It was especially bad over the last two years. She followed my protocol and six weeks later is feeling remarkably better.  

Her review says it all. So awesome…

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a guide to the homeopathic treatment of CFS/M.E. 

5.0 out of 5 stars If you have chronic fatigue or chronic Epstein-Barr virus, do yourself a favor and read this book.

Not only does Diane Solomon write with clarity but she is also a gifted homeopath. From my decades of experience with homeopathy as a lay homeopath and having consulted many well-trained homeopaths, I have learned that in order to be a good prescriber one needs to be able to understand the unique characteristics of each remedy. Homeopathy is a blend of art and science. Having had chronic Epstein-Barr Virus for many years and having had it raise it’s ugly head more than a year ago causing immense fatigue, fevers, weakness, cascading chills, fainting spells, weight loss, etc. etc. I am finally seeing the light at the end of tunnel. After following Diane’s protocol, I’ve made great strides and am keeping my fingers crossed that after many misdiagnoses and failed attempts by both Western and Eastern healthcare providers, that I now am on the road to good health.


I am so grateful she took the time to write the review. And so glad I could help.

New eBook: Healing Therapies that Work: “The Natural Treatment of Ear Infections”

Brand new book published today. Diane is writing a series of health eBooks. The first is The Natural Treatment of Ear Infections.  

Just .99c!




Here is the eBook description:

Have you tried all mainstream medical options and would like to pursue natural treatments? Or are you tired of pharmaceutical side effects, working with doctors who are rushed, don’t seem to care, or don’t take the time to listen to you and find something that will really help you or your family?

Diane Solomon DipIO.N DHM, nutritionist and homeopath, has practiced for more than twenty years. Over this time, she has found certain treatments in the complementary and alternate fields that really work. Now retired, she offers these powerful suggestions in this series of books: Healing Therapies That Work. This first book in the series is The Natural Treatment of Ear Infections. In all the years Diane practiced as a homeopath and nutritionist, not a week went by that she didn’t hear from or meet a distraught mother about her small child’s ear infections. She heard many terrible tales of repeated antibiotics, searing pain, even tubes in the ears. These moms were at their wits’ end. During her practice, she discovered that certain homeopathic remedies would almost always reduce or eliminate the ear infections. The remedies worked the vast majority of the time, perhaps 75% of the time, with no need for further intervention.

The upcoming books in the series are: The Natural Treatment of Allergies, The Natural Treatment of Cold and Flu, The Natural Treatment of Depression, The Natural Treatment of Pain, The Natural Treatment of Menopausal Symptoms, and The Natural Treatment of Arthritis.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Diane, now retired from practice, has no horse in the race, and no axe to grind, in writing this series and makes no money from sales of remedies, anywhere, at any time. She has been focused on writing from her clinical experience, to try to pass on wonderful therapies she learned and employed. For many years she worked with a broad range of clients and areas of practice. Ear infections, allergies, arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, menopausal issues for women, eczema, and many other issues. She received her Nutrition degree from The Institute for Optimum Nutrition in London in the late 80s, then earned the advanced degree in Homeopathy from the British Institute of Homeopathy, also in London. She studied homeopathy in great part because it was thanks to a homeopathic remedy that she recovered from seven dreadful years of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Her first health book is entitled Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a guide to the homeopathic treatment of CFS/M.E. When practicing, she loved volunteering at health food stores on Saturdays, where she talked with people wandering the aisles looking, sometimes desperately, for something to help with their kids’ ear infections, their headaches, or arthritis, etc. She carried a folder of handouts and from it she handed out valuable instruction sheets for various conditions. That information is in this series of books.

Fun Author Interview with Sally of Quills and Roses!

Thanks Sally, for the wonderful author interview you posted on your blog! 

Diane and Mark Author Interview excerpt:

“Hey all! Recently I’ve had the good fortune of being given an awesome MG time travel adventure to read (check out my review of The Ravenstone here) and now the talented authors Mark & Diane are doing an interview for me. (Seriously guys, y’all should become book reviewers. The perks are so cool.) In any case, less rambling from me and more from the lovely authors themselves!”

What were you like as a kid?

MARK: When I was in elementary school I was practically invisible. Average height, average weight, average looking and quiet as a mouse… when I was at school, at least.  In Junior High I grew so fast people didn’t recognize me in the fall after summer vacation. My newfound size brought with it confidence. By the ninth grade my English teacher told me I had found the power of words but not the wisdom to wield them. Fortunately, she liked me in spite of myself and did her best to give my verbal skills direction. I hope I have lived up to her expectations. Thank you Mrs. Campbell, wherever you are.




Know anyone with CFS?

Kindle cover final oct 10 2015Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a guide to the homeopathic treatment of CFS/M.E.

Do you know of anyone suffering from CFS, or ME as it is called in the UK? I want to spread the word; homeopathic treatment is so powerful in the treatment of CFS, and in fact, it was a complete cure for me and many clients I worked with over the years. Please share this with anyone you know who might benefit. Thank you.

Click here to go to Amazon: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a guide to the homeopathic treatment of CFS/M.E.


A few reviews!

Top Customer Reviews

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

The author writes both from personal experience as a sufferer of CFS and as a practitioner who has helped many who have been afflicted with it. She states the facts and research clearly and lays out an incredibly detailed approach to regaining health. This is a must read for anyone with CFS and for all complimentary health practitioners. It should also be read by traditional medical providers.

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Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

I bought this book because a friend’s daughter has CFS- has been sick for years. The author seems to really know her stuff, writes well and the book is pretty easy to read. There are lots of links and resources. And there is info in there about the homeopathic approach that is probably not available anywhere else, unless maybe in professional homeopathy books.

I hope it helps my friend’s daughter. It is awful illness – wrecking people’s lives.

In my opinion, it’s ……A MUST READ!!!!

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Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

Having a friend with CFS, I have witnessed her struggle, over more than a decade, with the traditional orthodox medical approach – they have been little to no help to her at all. Her deep dives in alternative and complementary healthcare have provided more relief. She has yet to go to a good homeopath, and I am suggesting to her that she take this book to a homeopath and get to work!

This book focuses on the homeopathic treatment of CFS, and what a powerhouse of information it holds. It is clear, concise, well laid out, easy to read and understand, and chock full of links and resources.

As for the naysayers of homeopathy, they (loudly) claim that high dilutions of a homeopathic remedy have no molecules left of the of the original substance. Ms Solomon’s section on “Homeopathy and Research” addresses that point. She presents several recent pieces of research that confirm there ARE nanoparticles (1 part per billion) present in 30c potencies of remedies, and higher. This quote from the book sums it up: “Dogs can smell substances in parts per billion or even trillion. . This is verifiable science and what the legal world calls ‘Back Letter Law.’ If animals can detect a substance in such small quantities, why is inconceivable that the human immune system can detect a substance even in great dilution?”

If you have CFS or know someone with the illness, you really should check out this book.

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Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

I’m only half way through Ms. Solomon’s book and I’ve learned so much about the wide variety of western medical treatment and homeopathy. It’s an easy read and filled with great references for further research. A must read for those who seek healing and want to learn about a variety of healing techniques.

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Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

What a story! Diane’s message needs to be shouted from the rooftops so that anyone dealing with CFS can find their way to it. Homeopaths, Naturopaths and MD’s could better help their patients with the material in this book. Thank you Diane, for you heartfelt clarity in bringing this information forward!

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Format: Kindle Edition

What a wealth of information! Hopefully this book will show up as a reference for everyone researching Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – a truly complicated illness. If I got nothing else out of this book, it was a true appreciation of not only what a CFS patient suffers, but also the COMPLEXITY of its diagnosis, treatment options, possible origin(s), etc. etc. etc. Whether a practicing Homeopathic doctor or patient, an allopathic physician, a CFS researcher, or, like me, someone who is keen to learn as much as possible about homeopathy, this book has a great deal to offer. Thank you, Diane, for putting so much together in one resource!

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Format: Kindle Edition

This is a welcome to book on a controversial and puzzling condition. It also comes from a unique perspective of someone who has suffered with the illness, recovered and is now helping others get better. It is comprehensive and well written by someone who is an expert from both sides of the patient practitioner equation.

Modern life has given rise to chronic health conditions as opposed to the more acute illnesses of previous centuries. Modern life is more insidiously toxic than at any time in the past with many tens of thousands of new chemicals in the environment the effect of each let alone in combination is not fully understood.

Conventional medicine has failed to truly identify and find effective remedies for this, as is the case with many chronic conditions. Holistic medicine recognizes the multi factorial origin of this malady and can produce a multi factorial and individualized and effective solution. Diane uses the perspective from her knowledge of homeopathy, herbs and Nutritional medicine to provide solutions that can be tailored to the needs of the patient.
This illness varies from a short lived and inconvenient malady to a serious long lasting and life threatening disease.

As someone, who like Diane has suffered with the condition and who has been fully cured her book provides hope and the way forward for those who led a full and productive life and have been stricken by this most debilitating of diseases. Highly recommended.

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