Tag Archives: novel

I am finishing up a new novel!

I am finishing up a new novel! It is from an idea I first dreamed up twenty five years ago… good things (I hope) come to those who wait, and wait and wait!
BACK COVER: “Eva has beauty she plays down, to avoid attention. But it doesn’t work. People are invariably drawn to her. She has a magnetic quality, a calm, a power she is unaware she has. She wants to be left alone to look after animals; they are her first love.
Another love is on the horizon, though. Along with life-changing discoveries. She discovers a father she doesn’t know, a new family she doesn’t trust, and that someone wants to kill her.
She discovers she possesses a powerful ability that others do not have. Is it a gift? Or a curse?”
This is a rough cover, just to inspire me as I wrote. And not even sure of the title yet. Remains to be seen.
I will post the first couple of chapters soon!