Tag Archives: The Diane Solomon Show

Fun Author Interview with Sally of Quills and Roses!

Thanks Sally, for the wonderful author interview you posted on your blog! 

Diane and Mark Author Interview excerpt:

“Hey all! Recently I’ve had the good fortune of being given an awesome MG time travel adventure to read (check out my review of The Ravenstone here) and now the talented authors Mark & Diane are doing an interview for me. (Seriously guys, y’all should become book reviewers. The perks are so cool.) In any case, less rambling from me and more from the lovely authors themselves!”

What were you like as a kid?

MARK: When I was in elementary school I was practically invisible. Average height, average weight, average looking and quiet as a mouse… when I was at school, at least.  In Junior High I grew so fast people didn’t recognize me in the fall after summer vacation. My newfound size brought with it confidence. By the ninth grade my English teacher told me I had found the power of words but not the wisdom to wield them. Fortunately, she liked me in spite of myself and did her best to give my verbal skills direction. I hope I have lived up to her expectations. Thank you Mrs. Campbell, wherever you are.




Are you a homeschooler looking for quality middle-grade books?

cover-front-kindle-aug-9-larger-textThe Ravenstone:
The Secret of Ninham Mountain

Buy The Ravenstone The Secret of Ninham Mountain at Amazon
Only $2.99 Also in paperback 

Many of the books, written for kids, feature main characters whose behavior is… well, appalling.  Diane and I set out to create characters with heart and honor.  We put the twins, Nadia and Aidan, in situations where they have to decide for themselves to do the right thing. They take risks for their family and they succeed in spite of their fears and flaws.  Our kids don’t have to be snarky to be cool.  As your kids read they accompany Aidan and Nadia on their adventure and are intrigued by the mystery they try to unravel. Plus, they learn, along with the twins, about; history, Native Americans, Celts, folk-lore, extinct plants and other environmental science, and more than just a little about morality. 

The action is fast-paced. Our younger beta readers couldn’t put the book down. One Skyped us from Oregon to tell us how much he loved it. He even honored us with the comment, “This book is better than Harry Potter!”  

We understand why you, as a parent, choose to teach your children at home. You may feel a level of concern about the academic quality of local public schools, quite justifiably! And you may feel that teaching them at home provide a higher level of moral instruction. Teaching them academic facts alone does not make them good people and we all want our kids to grow into people we can be proud of.  Those kinds of lessons are difficult to get across to kids without seeming preachy. Here is where a book like The Ravenstone can entertain and teach at the same time.

A fun, suspenseful, entertaining book helps to teach those lessons! And a classic quality book becomes part of your child’s heart and mind, something she will remember her entire life.

The Ravenstone: The Secret of Ninham Mountain

REVIEW: 5.0 out of 5 stars

EXCERPT: “It’s a magical, hopeful story full of loyalty, courage and heart.” “I appreciate this honor, this depth of character, in an age where so much of our media, books, TV, and movies are full of violence, darkness and a kind of “attitude” or “snarkiness.” I am tired of that! This is a family-oriented book, wholesome even, and very heartwarming.”

By Dr. David Baltimore on October 5, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition

What a fun, suspenseful adventure! I got it for my niece, but read it myself first. I got hooked in and couldn’t put it down… It’s a magical, hopeful story full of loyalty, courage and heart.

The characters are well-drawn; the protagonists, Aidan and Nadia, are 13-year-old twins who are sent on a mission to help save their dad’s life work. But, they are also driven by the desire to achieve something great for mankind. They must take great risk, overcome fear, and survive great danger from a magic stronger than theirs.

I appreciate this honor, this depth of character, in an age where so much of our media, books, TV, and movies are full of violence, darkness and a kind of “attitude” or “snarkiness.” I am tired of that! This is a family-oriented book, wholesome even, and very heartwarming.

AMAZON:  Kindle or paperback

Hi! from Diane and Mark

Mark & Di garden 6 2012 crppdThis is just to welcome you to our new website. We decided to lump all our various projects under one umbrella website, and have named ourselves “Eloquent Rascals.”

Eloquent, hopefully. Rascals, definitely.

We are glad to have you with us, and hope you find music, books or articles that fascinate or amuse or entertain you.

And do feel free to leave a comment or say hi, we’d love to hear from you!

Mark and Di